Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Two Days Off!

As my last day off for a while is coming to a close, I am preparing my self for the drive into Anchorage tomorrow for a day full of programs. I am ready to go though. The last two days have been very relaxing. Yesterday was beautiful outside! I actually put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Felt so good not to have a coat on! I made some calls home, bought some souvenirs to send back home and then worked on getting some mail ready to ship out for today. It was so nice that me and Erin decided to go for a bike ride. We threw some stuff in our back packs and off we went!

We weren't going to go very far but the scenery kept drawing us farther and farther down the trail. We saw some gorgeous streams which, I kept stopping every five minuets it seemed to look for trout.

 We also came across a  "moss forest." Just look at the picture and tell me it is not.

We ended up biking to the Portage Glacier. Round trip it was probably a lil over ten miles. I haven't been on a bike in forever so just hoping on one and riding that far was quite a trip. It was a blast though! We want to do it again. When I get back to Ohio I am going to dig my bike out of the barn and take it out more often. It was great exercise and beat's running any day! We concluded the night with all of us hanging out and watching a movie. 

Today the weather has not been as nice but it is not down pouring, windy, or snowy, so I'm not going to complain. I have just stayed around the center for most of the day. Some of us went to the nearby town of Girdwood to mail some things. I got two letters in the mail! Always makes my day when I get mail. We also went on a short hike on Winner's trail and was finally able to access a geo cash that had been frozen in some tree roots when we first found it. It didn't have anything too amazing in it though. When we got back we watched another movie, ( The Tourist) pretty good. and I just got back from feeding the birds and threw a pizza in the oven. It won't get dark until about eleven now. Which is about what time it is right now back home. Night Ohio.

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